ΖΩΝΗ ΚΑΨΙΜΑΤΟΣ είναι μια προπόνηση Darebee.GR που έχει σχεδιαστεί  να κάνει τους μύες σας να καίγονται ψηλά από το πρώτο κιόλας σετ απογειώνοντας τις επιδόσεις σας
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DAREBEE Workout: What it Works
Burn Zone is a workout designed to get you into the sweat zone from the very first set. Reps count here which means you need to make every second count. Have quick transitions from one exercise to the next. Stay on the balls of your feet during Jumping Jacks and bring your knees to your chest when doing Burpees with Jump Knee Tucks. Stay on the balls of your feet when you land from the Knee Tucks. This is a workout that will test your VO2 Max. Add EC and it becomes a massive challenge.  
Extra Credit: 1 minute rest between sets. 